Vanessa-Mae Is IT!

Vanessa-Mae Pictures


[From Devil's Trill CD single] [From Original Four Seasons album cover] [From Sunday Times 2000-01-23, B&W in dark shirt, top button undone, casual] [From Independent 2000-02-14, Vanessa in red dress between curtains, sweet pose]

From The Daily Mail 2000-03-04

[Vanessa in lilac trousers and purple top. Bare feet and midriff] [Vanessa in full-length shiny pink dress, sandals and sky-blue jacket] [Vanessa playing violin in puff-sleeved blouse, flower in hair, prob. at a younger age] [Vanessa with her mother, wearing a lilac dress with strap on one shoulder] [B&W Face shot]

Vidcaps from Arabian Nights

Sent by Hans Schumacher, the "Lunar Archivist".

[Vidcap #1 from Arabian Nights] [Vidcap #2 from Arabian Nights] [Vidcap #3 from Arabian Nights] [Vidcap #4 from Arabian Nights]

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